每个请求一个r、w buffer,请求无限制,内存不够直接就oom,然后就被linux给迁移掉了
一个固定大小的桶,系统会以恒定速率向桶中放 Token,桶满则暂时不放
如果桶中有剩余 Token 就可以一直取,如果没有剩余 Token,则需要等到桶中被放置 Token/直接返回失败
// A Limiter controls how frequently events are allowed to happen.
// Limiter 用来限制发生事件的频率
// It implements a "token bucket" of size b, initially full and refilled
// at rate r tokens per second.
// 初始的时候满的,然后以每秒r tokens的速率来填充,bucket大小为b
// Informally, in any large enough time interval, the Limiter limits the
// rate to r tokens per second, with a maximum burst size of b events.
// As a special case, if r == Inf (the infinite rate), b is ignored.
// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Token_bucket for more about token buckets.
// r还能设置为 Inf?
// The zero value is a valid Limiter, but it will reject all events.
// Use NewLimiter to create non-zero Limiters.
// 还能有拒绝全部的零值Limiter?妙啊
// Limiter has three main methods, Allow, Reserve, and Wait.
// Most callers should use Wait.
// 三个方法:Allow, Reserve, Wait,每个方法都会消耗一个token
// Each of the three methods consumes a single token.
// They differ in their behavior when no token is available.
// If no token is available, Allow returns false.
// Allow:非阻塞
// If no token is available, Reserve returns a reservation for a future token
// and the amount of time the caller must wait before using it.
// Reserve 还能预定? 牛哇,还能返回如果一定要使用的话,要等多久
// If no token is available, Wait blocks until one can be obtained
// or its associated context.Context is canceled.
// Wait:阻塞
// The methods AllowN, ReserveN, and WaitN consume n tokens.
// AllowN、ReserveN、WaitN:消费n个token
type Limiter struct {
mu sync.Mutex
// 每秒的事件数,即事件速率
limit Limit
// 单次调用(Allow, Reserve, Wait)中消费token的最大数
// 更高的 Burst 的值,将会一次允许更多的事件发生(at once)
burst int
tokens float64
// last is the last time the limiter's tokens field was updated
// limiter的tokens字段的前一次被更新的事件
last time.Time
// lastEvent is the latest time of a rate-limited event (past or future)
// 速率受限事件(past or future)的前一次时间
lastEvent time.Time
// A zero Limit allows no events.
type Limit float64
// NewLimiter returns a new Limiter that allows events up to rate r and permits
// bursts of at most b tokens.
// 速率r,一次b个突发
func NewLimiter(r Limit, b int) *Limiter {
return &Limiter{
limit: r,
burst: b,
func Every(interval time.Duration) Limit {
if interval <= 0 {
return Inf
return 1 / Limit(interval.Seconds())
里面用的都是 reserveN
// Allow reports whether an event may happen now.
func (lim *Limiter) Allow() bool {
return lim.AllowN(time.Now(), 1)
// AllowN reports whether n events may happen at time t.
// Use this method if you intend to drop / skip events that exceed the rate limit.
// Otherwise use Reserve or Wait.
func (lim *Limiter) AllowN(t time.Time, n int) bool {
return lim.reserveN(t, n, 0).ok
// Reserve is shorthand for ReserveN(time.Now(), 1).
func (lim *Limiter) Reserve() *Reservation {
return lim.ReserveN(time.Now(), 1)
// ReserveN returns a Reservation that indicates how long the caller must wait before n events happen.
// The Limiter takes this Reservation into account when allowing future events.
// The returned Reservation’s OK() method returns false if n exceeds the Limiter's burst size.
// Usage example:
// r := lim.ReserveN(time.Now(), 1)
// if !r.OK() {
// // Not allowed to act! Did you remember to set lim.burst to be > 0 ?
// return
// }
// time.Sleep(r.Delay())
// Act()
// Use this method if you wish to wait and slow down in accordance with the rate limit without dropping events.
// If you need to respect a deadline or cancel the delay, use Wait instead.
// To drop or skip events exceeding rate limit, use Allow instead.
func (lim *Limiter) ReserveN(t time.Time, n int) *Reservation {
r := lim.reserveN(t, n, InfDuration)
return &r
// Wait is shorthand for WaitN(ctx, 1).
func (lim *Limiter) Wait(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
return lim.WaitN(ctx, 1)
// WaitN blocks until lim permits n events to happen.
// It returns an error if n exceeds the Limiter's burst size, the Context is
// canceled, or the expected wait time exceeds the Context's Deadline.
// The burst limit is ignored if the rate limit is Inf.
func (lim *Limiter) WaitN(ctx context.Context, n int) (err error) {
// The test code calls lim.wait with a fake timer generator.
// This is the real timer generator.
newTimer := func(d time.Duration) (<-chan time.Time, func() bool, func()) {
timer := time.NewTimer(d)
return timer.C, timer.Stop, func() {}
return lim.wait(ctx, n, time.Now(), newTimer)
// wait is the internal implementation of WaitN.
func (lim *Limiter) wait(ctx context.Context, n int, t time.Time, newTimer func(d time.Duration) (<-chan time.Time, func() bool, func())) error {
burst := lim.burst
limit := lim.limit
// 在限流的情况下,一次请求索要超过 burst 的令牌
if n > burst && limit != Inf {
return fmt.Errorf("rate: Wait(n=%d) exceeds limiter's burst %d", n, burst)
// Check if ctx is already cancelled
// 用这种方式检查ctx是否结束
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
// 这里有 default,所以不会卡住
// Determine wait limit
waitLimit := InfDuration
// 它竟然还照顾了ctx的Deadline,牛哇牛哇
if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok {
// t是当前时间,deadline-t就是等待时长
waitLimit = deadline.Sub(t)
// Reserve
r := lim.reserveN(t, n, waitLimit)
if !r.ok {
return fmt.Errorf("rate: Wait(n=%d) would exceed context deadline", n)
// Wait if necessary
// DelayFrom returns the duration for which the reservation holder must wait
// before taking the reserved action. Zero duration means act immediately.
// InfDuration means the limiter cannot grant the tokens requested in this
// Reservation within the maximum wait time.
// 0时长意味着立即执行,不用等limiter
// InfDuration时长意味着在此次最大的等待时间里,无法授权这么多的token
delay := r.DelayFrom(t)
if delay == 0 {
return nil
// newTimer 中创建了一个定时器,这里用完要停止,不然系统中的定时器越来越多
// ch:delay定时器
// stop:定时器取消函数
// advance:仅用于测试,设置钩子,牛哇牛哇
ch, stop, advance := newTimer(delay)
defer stop()
advance() // only has an effect when testing
// 等待谁先来
select {
case <-ch:
// We can proceed.
return nil
case <-ctx.Done():
// Context was canceled before we could proceed. Cancel the
// reservation, which may permit other events to proceed sooner.
return ctx.Err()
分布式限流通常涉及到跨进程或跨机器的状态共享与同步,通常需要额外的基础设施支持,比如分布式缓存(例如 Redis)或数据库,来保持限流状态的一致性
golang.org/x/time/rate 包并不为这些提供内置支持